Trained in the uniqueness of using hypnosis in childbirth
Tulsa Family Doulas is proud to have the most trained HypnoDoulas in one group in Northeast Oklahoma. A HypnoDoula can serve clients that have utilized any type of hypnosis as a tool for their labor including methods taught by Hypnobabies, Hypnobirthing or personal sessions with a trained hypnotherapist.
A HypnoDoula is trained in the philosophy of hypnosis in childbirth and understands the cues, techniques, and the material that differentiates it from every other method of childbirth education. It is important to have the nurturing presence of a HypnoDoula at your birthing time as opposed to a doula untrained in the uniqueness of hypnosis. She can speak the language correctly and encourage the atmosphere that is so wonderfully different when hypnosis is in use.
Having the feedback from a trained professional on the actual process of utilizing hypnosis for childbirth makes an impressive difference on the success of achieving your goals for delivery.
Hypnobabies - Natural Childbirth at Its Best
Tulsa Family Doulas is pleased to offer a direct link for you to purchase the Hypnobabies Self-Study Course.
In your Hypnobabies Self-Study class, you receive all the information you need to understand the physiology of childbirth, establish mindful connectedness with your baby and your body, understand your options during your pregnancy, birth and your postpartum period and fully utilize the hypnosis that makes this program such a unique success. A complete overview is available on what is covered in each of these classes. The benefits of Hypnobabies classes are profound. Still want to learn more? Read through the Frequently Asked Questions.
To cover the basics, during your 6 week Self-Study class, you will learn the following:
Staying Healthy and Low Risk
Comfort in Pregnancy
Detailed Birthing Choices
Creating Informed Consent
An In-Depth Nutrition and Exercise Program
Avoidance of Toxic Substances
Optimum Fetal Positioning
Turning a Posterior Baby
Stages of Labor
Anatomy and Physiology of Birth
Prenatal Parenting
Avoiding Back Labor with the Abdominal Lift and Tuck
Baby Kick Counting
Belly Mapping
The Risks, Benefits and Alternatives to Common Labor Interventions
Birth Empowerment Skills
Birth Plans & Baby Plans
Touring the Birth Facility
Doula and Midwifery Information
Avoiding Induction and Cesarean Section
Delayed Cord Clamping and other Baby Kindness Information
Using Hypnosis for 3rd Stage (the pushing stage)
Comprehensive and Detailed Birth Preparation and Labor Support Training for Birth Partners
A 28 page Quick Reference booklet for Labor
Birthing Rehearsals using Hypnobabies Techniques in Class
Information on New Baby Care, Breastfeeding and Postpartum Care for Moms
“Sarah, I wanted to take a moment to express to you how grateful I am for you today. Not only has your class helped me to love pregnancy and be excited for my birthing time, but your presence is inspiring and calming. David and I feel so blessed to know that we will have you as a support system during this journey.
As a firstborn, type A, constant overachiever in my life, you’ve helped me to find a place of peace and calm like no other. I grew up in a family (and a house) full of chaos at all times. Many people in my family continue to live this way daily. I have worked very hard for many years to separate my personal patterns from that world of constant anxiety and stress. But like anything hard wired in us, it often can creep back in as we let our guard down. This is part of the reason I chose Hypnobabies to begin with. I want this little baby to enter the world in a natural, calm, supported way. And I hope to continue that environment as they grow. Thank you for being such an important part of that vision. -Mary