What exactly does a birth doula provide?

It doesn't matter to us how you give birth, but that you give birth with confidence.  

Tulsa Family Doulas provide an exceptional service and are a necessary luxury. We aren't the only ones that think so. Some well-known organizations that praise doula support are the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing and Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

Doulas benefit anyone regardless of how or where they choose to give birth. Because doulas have become so popular, how can you know when you have found a good one? 

Professional doulas are an investment and provide incredible tangible support. 

You may find in the birth community that there are many birth activists focused on changing birth. While every single doula in our agency strongly believes in helping women have the confidence to birth how they want, and encourages effective communication with your care provider, your birth should never be a doula's platform for change. 

What that means is, you and your experience are our priority. We provide collaborative care with the team you have put in place to cover your medical needs, and help increase your satisfaction with your own unique birth experience regardless of how you give birth. 

We can promise you that we are asking the right questions no one else is asking that can elicit a change in your own unique experience. No one is having the pregnancy you are having or going to give birth how you will give birth. Yeah the baby will come out, but no one else is inside your head, with your past experiences and future hopes and dreams. We are revolutionizing how doulas support families - not because we say we are, but because our clients say we are. 

When you hire Tulsa Family Doulas, you receive our best care possible and unlike anything else in Tulsa.

  • We are 100% focused on collaborative care. Your relationship with your care provider will never be questioned by your doulas. (We are so glad others are following suit!) We honor their expertise and their responsibility to provide you and your baby with the safest experience possible.

  • Tulsa Family Doulas is the only place in town to provide you with two doulas throughout your entire pregnancy. Twice the expertise, twice the compassion, twice the professionalism. You never have to worry about a back-up doula.

  • We are immediately on call for you and available to serve you from the minute you hire us. We don't wait until 36-38 weeks to go on call for you.

  • Initial appointment with both doulas to get to the heart of your ideal birth experience, establish a solid relationship with your doulas, get excited about your education options and begin planning your birth with confidence.

  • Additional appointment with both doulas for a Your Birth Experience recap, birth plan review, comfort measures and anything else needed - giving you that vital one-on-two! support.

  • Tulsa Family Doulas is the only agency to provide you with a complete childbirth education curriculum as part of your birth doula support. The Your Birth Experience curriculum educates you and your partner about your options in childbirth and the benefits of a well-thought-out birth plan.

  • Want more? Choose Platinum Birth Doula support and receive all three of the YBE curricula: the Your Birth, Your Breastfeeding and Your Baby Experience Parent Guides.

  • 2 postpartum visits: 1 hour in-home postpartum visit to decompress after birth and an additional 4 hours of in-home postpartum doula services. We know that your work doesn't end with delivery, and want to honor you with even more care.

  • Contact, support and communication after every doctor or midwife appointment.

  • Informational and evidenced-based resources to boost your confidence and empower your decision-making, if helpful for you.

  • Complete support for your choices in childbirth - from natural birth to cesarean.

  • Exceptional local resources and established relationships for whatever you may need during pregnancy and parenting.

  • We will drop everything and stand by your side when you call us and stay with you while you bring your baby into the world, providing a calming reassurance, all while being your own personal expert in emotional and physical support in childbirth.

  • First latch breastfeeding assistance and encouragement, if desired.

  • Many custom packages, payment plans and payment options are available.

  • Confident support with adoptive and surrogacy relationships during labor and postpartum. We support you no matter how you grow your family. We understand this unique dynamic, have extensive experience in supporting growing families this way, and provide successful, valuable support to all parties involved.


completely mission driven

Basic Birth Doula support includes 2 prenatal meetings, on-call status from time of hire, exceptional resources, unlimited educated and professional encouragement, active birth support and 2 postpartum visits including 4 hours of in-home nurturing care from your Postpartum Doula.

Platinum Birth Doula support includes basic support, newborn care session, postpartum belly binding and hands-on private Happiest Baby on the Block class.